so, i have to admit something.
i'm a liar. i love to lie, and in doing so it gives me joy.
i lie about what i'm doing, where i'm going, who i'm with, or i lie just so i can stay in bed all day.
it's not that i lie about important things. i just lie about the meaningless bullshit throughout the day, just to give myself a bit of a chuckle.
and i've asked myself why i lie. i lie to people that don't matter, and i lie about things that don't matter. i make slight exaggerations to just about everything.
because i like to pretend that what i do and say actually matters to other people, enough to be called out on my lie. i want to test people, to see if they have truly been paying attention. i lie to hide who i actually am.
and most of all, it's fun.

i'm a liar. i love to lie, and in doing so it gives me joy.
i lie about what i'm doing, where i'm going, who i'm with, or i lie just so i can stay in bed all day.
it's not that i lie about important things. i just lie about the meaningless bullshit throughout the day, just to give myself a bit of a chuckle.
and i've asked myself why i lie. i lie to people that don't matter, and i lie about things that don't matter. i make slight exaggerations to just about everything.
because i like to pretend that what i do and say actually matters to other people, enough to be called out on my lie. i want to test people, to see if they have truly been paying attention. i lie to hide who i actually am.
and most of all, it's fun.

Is this true?